Monday, September 23, 2019

How to Replace File Cabinet Locks

An important addition to office furniture, file cabinet locks are an easy and economical option to keep everything from files to personal items safe.

Before getting ahead of ourselves, if there is currently a lock and mechanism in the furniture, a new file cabinet lock may not be required. Just enter the lock code (found on the face of the lock core) and the manufacturer on to purchase a replacement key. If you would prefer to change the lock core to use a different lock code (key), you can switch the lock core to another code within the same series. A change key, new lock core, and a new key would be required for this option.

Now, on to the file cabinet locks! If the existing lock is damaged, or if there is not a current lock, a new filing cabinet lock replacement is for you! Finding the correct lock kit for your item doesn’t have to be difficult. It’s easy to select your lock as long as you know the manufacturer and have the previous lock measurements. If you do not have that information, just send photographs of the furniture to Our team will help you become the office hero!

There are several manufacturers and file cabinet lock options available to meet your needs. HON, Wesko, Hirsh, Anderson Hickey, and FireKing Medeco just to mention a few.

Check out all of our replacement file cabinet locks online here.

Once you find your lock, use our YouTube videos to assist in installation.